breastfeed baby to sleep

Why It’s Okay and Even Good to Breastfeed Baby to Sleep

I have been told way too many times that breastfeeding my baby to sleep is a bad idea. For some reason, breastfeeding our babies to sleep has turned into such a highly debated topic. And I don’t like it. I’m here to put an end to it once and for all. Well, at least I’ll try.

First of all,

there is absolutely nothing wrong with breastfeeding your baby to sleep!

It will NOT spoil them. It does NOT create bad sleep habits.

And I don’t care what expert, sleep consultant, or relative tells you otherwise – it’s simply untrue.

Breastfeeding your baby to sleep is “normal, healthy, and developmentally appropriate” (KellyMom).

It’s perfectly natural for us moms to help our babies fall asleep with our magic milk. Not only is it natural, but science shows that it’s beneficial!

Breastmilk has tryptophan, which means a breastfed baby sleeps better (PubMed Study).

Tryptophan is an amino acid, which is needed for our bodies to make melatonin- the sleep hormone. Melatonin is our sleep regulator, and circadian rhythm helper. If our bodies don’t create enough of it, we’re probably going to be dealing with disordered sleep patterns.

This study is really cool though because it shows that babies who are breastfed have higher quality sleep and spend more time actually asleep – even though it doesn’t always feel like it when they’re waking every two hours.

(Obviously, fed is best. I’m not here to shame or guilt any mamas out there using formula.)

Babies fall asleep breastfeeding so easily because they feel safe, secure, and loved.

So many of us struggle with sleep because of anxiety and stress. We lay there at night tossing and turning, worrying about yesterday and tomorrow. When we do sleep well, it’s usually during times we feel safe and secure – or so overly exhausted that we’re just done and pass out.

If we as mom’s have the ability to offer our baby that feeling of safety and security to help them fall asleep calmly and easily, why wouldn’t we?

Breastfeeding baby to sleep means “more opportunities for extra breast milk and hence more calories” (

This is another great benefit of letting our babies fall asleep at the breast. It helps babies with gaining and maintaining a healthy weight, and it helps with their diaper output.

The more time baby spends at the breast means a greater milk supply.

This is great, especially if you’re struggling with an undersupply of breastmilk. The more we breastfeed, the more our body knows it needs to make.

Does letting your baby fall asleep while breastfeeding feel right to you? Follow your mom gut.

This is the biggest point I want to emphasize here. What feels right to you? Don’t change the way you mother because your worried about what other people think.

Being a mom in itself is stressful enough. But being a mom stuck in a place of fear full of what if’s and worries about other’s judgement will make life over the top stressful.

If breastfeeding your baby to sleep feels right to you, that’s all that really matters.

Also, know that you’re not creating bad habits. And your baby is not spoiled. There is no such thing as a spoiled baby!!

Babies do eventually learn to fall asleep with other methods, too – even if the only way they fall asleep right now is at the breast.

Do you breastfeed your baby to sleep? Did you get a lot of flack over it? Let me know in the comments below. Or just say hi! I’d love to hear from you! 🙂

2 thoughts on “Why It’s Okay and Even Good to Breastfeed Baby to Sleep”

  1. Thank you, Nicole! This made me feel really good.

    I actually do breastfeed my little one to sleep, and since I stopped worrying about it creating all this other chaos she and I have enjoyed it to much more.
    She is able to self soothe, and has slept great at night —when it’s not too cold— since she was about 3 or 5 weeks.
    I actually haven’t told anyone (not even my family that) that I do this, just to avoid the conversation.

    1. Yay! I’m so happy this helped you. I hope someday society is more supportive of breastfeeding moms and of moms following their instincts. Sending you and your little one all the good vibes on your breastfeeding journey!

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