Breastfeeding + Babywearing

Breastfeeding Toddler Update + How to Deal With the 15 Month Sleep Regression

I’m not gonna lie, this month has been tough. I try not to pay much attention to all the hype around “leaps” and “regressions.” Why? Because I don’t want the expectation that my baby is going to be fussy and have multiple night wakings just because he is “x” months old. Expecting night wakings and expecting extra clinginess ensures that it will actually happen because as the time ticks away we wait nervously and anxiously for the regression to start. Our baby senses our anxiety, which in turn gives them anxiety. Thus, a regression or leap or sleep suck or whatever the heck you want to call it.

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Breastfeeding Months 18-20 Update + Dealing With a Nipple Twiddler

Breastfeeding a toddler is like trying to fill up a moving car’s gas tank – if the driver of the moving car is a circus clown with a heavy foot, and somehow the car can fly and jump and flip (basically it’s a spaceship), and also if the gas pump is your nipple. Also, also if the circus clown can reach his arm out of the moving car/spaceship to touch and twiddle and pinch your other nipple.

Not the best analogy, but you get the picture. Breastfeeding a toddler isn’t always easy. And this is the stage of toddler breastfeeding my little and I are in – wiggling, squirming, twiddling, and playing.

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Babywearing + My Fave Carriers

After baby number three, I realized the only way to accomplish anything on my to-do list and keep my baby content is by babywearing. But I’ve also realized there is a bit of a learning curve, and it’s not always as easy as some moms make it look.
I am by no means a babywearing expert, but I’m a mom who loves babywearing and I hope that sharing my experiences will help other moms enjoy it as I much as I do.
Here are some tips that helped me figure out babywearing:

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