breastfeeding without limits

Babywearing + My Fave Carriers

After baby number three, I realized the only way to accomplish anything on my to-do list and keep my baby content is by babywearing. But I’ve also realized there is a bit of a learning curve, and it’s not always as easy as some moms make it look.
I am by no means a babywearing expert, but I’m a mom who loves babywearing and I hope that sharing my experiences will help other moms enjoy it as I much as I do.
Here are some tips that helped me figure out babywearing:

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Breastfeeding Month 11: Sleepy Snuggles

I started writing this post last night, as I lay on my side in bed with my little dumpling snuggled up in the crook of my arm, and firmly latched onto my boob. My free hand was strategically trying to keep hold of my phone, while tapping out a post with one thumb. I quickly realized that this was not only a bad idea because of how uncomfortable it was, but also because the phone almost slipped out of my hand and onto my baby’s head.

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